Based on working
On the basis of technology, computers are divided into three types -
1. Analog Computer : - The physical quantities that change continuously with time are called analog quantities. Such as temperature, pressure, electric voltage etc. In analog computers, data is represented as a continuously changing quantity. The speed of analog computer is very slow. These types of computers are now out of circulation.
A simple clock, vehicle speedometer, voltmeter etc. are examples of analog computers.
2. Digital Computer - They run on electronic signals and binary system is used for calculation. In digital computers, data is represented in binary form. Their speed is fast. Most of the computers currently in use are of this type. In this, the data is represented as an electronic pulse.
3. Hybrid Computer : - It is a mixed form of digital and analog computer. In this digital form is used for calculation and processing. Whereas analog signals are used in input and output. This type of computer is used in hospital, defense sector and science etc.
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