MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System)
Introduction - it is a kind of Operating system that Microsoft Disk Operating System a wide form of MS-DOS. MS-DOS has been built by a company called "Microsoft Corporation". It is a very popular operating system.
Ex- When people from two different language regions meet, there is a language difference between them, a person who knows both the languages and easily translates one language into another language immediately. This is called Interpreter. It is with the help of this interpreter that dialogue between the two persons is possible. Similarly, a computer understands its own language, that is, Machine Language, that is, words, instructions, etc., only in the form of 0 and 1, but man understands the English language which the computer does not know. Therefore, an interpreter is required between the two who continues to translate one language into another language only then the computer can be used. Here DOS it converts the English language into a machine language so that the computer can understand the instructions, then again converts the results presented by the computer which is in the machine language to the English language which the user can understand. Thus DOS is a software working between humans and computers that bridges the distance between the two. For the use of DOS, it is important to know their commands. This is the command directive for DOS.
the commands of DOS is divided into two categories:
1) Internal commands
2) External commands
1. Internal commands - They are also called Memory Resident Command. When the computer is boot, these commands automatically come into memory. All internal commands remain in a file called Hence, as soon as system prompt A:/A Or C:/0 It comes. These commands become effective and can be used. Some internal commands are as follows - Date, Time, Ver, CLS, DIR, CD, MD, RD, DEL, REN, Copy, Copy con.
A) Date - This command is execute to view date in the system. This can also change the system date.
Syntax- Location > Date
B) Time - This command is execute to view Time in the system. It can also change the system time.
Syntax - Location > Time
C) Ver - The way new models come up in Mobile all the time. Which have certain qualities attached to them. Similarly, new versions keep coming up by adding new commands to the DOS. So, using Ver command, we can find out.
Syntax - Location > Ver
D) CLS - This command is execute to clean the screen if it is fully filled.
Syntax - Location > Cls
E) DIR - This command is used to obtain a list of all files and Directories. Just as the telephone directory contains the name of the people with their number written on it. Similarly, the computer also contains the directory of the file called Root Directory. This is represented by Slash (/).
Syntax - Location > DIR
F) CD or CHDIR - This command can change the current directory to another directory.
Syntax - Location > CD [Directory Name]
g) MD or MKDIR - This command creates new directory.
Syntax - Location > MD [Directory Name]
H) RD or RMDIR - Any directory (which is empty) can be erased from this command.
Syntax - Location > RD [Directory Name]
I) DEL - Using this command we can delete any file from the computer.
Syntax - Location > DEL [File name with extension]
J) REN - Any file or folder name can be changed using this command.
Syntax - Location > REN [Current file/Folder Name] [New File/Folder Name]
K) Type - Using this command you can view the written subject within a file at a command prompt.
Syntax - Location > Type [Text file name]
L) Copy - This command is used only to prepare copies of files. This command can copy a file of a directory to another directory.
Syntax - Location > Copy [File name] [Directory name]
M) Copy con - This command creates a new file.
Syntax - Location > Copy con [file name]
execute this command can create a text file of any name. After execute this command, it is necessary to write something in the file so cursor waits below. After you write something in the file, the file is saved by pressing F6 and Enter.
Wildcard - Two types of special symbols (Symbols) are used in DOS. These symbols are useful. They are called wildcards. These two symbols are "*" and "?"
"?" Wildcard - It is a small wildcard character that installs the letters of the English alphabet in one place. For example, if you want to see a list of 6 letter files in whose name "S" comes third and their extension is ".docx", use wildcards as follows.
Syntax - Location > Dir ?? S???. docx
"*" Wildcard - This symbol is used not only for one place but also for the letters of all places. Just as three question mark use a wild card for a file with a three-letter name, now we can represent all three locations with just one "*" wild card. Thus the name of any file can be represented by just a "*" wild card character. For example, if you want to view a list of all files whose Extension is ".docx", you will use wildcard character "*" as follows:
Syntax - Location > Dir *. Docx
2. External Commands - They are called Disk resident commands. External command live in different files. Who live in Floppy disk, Pendrive or harddisk. When used, their files come into memory, thus helps in maintaining the capacity of primary memory. External commands must have their file extension ".com" or ".exe." Any command can be written in both large and small letters of English. Implementation of Internal command is completed quickly and the implementation of External command takes some time depending on the size of the file. Some external commands are as follows - Mode, Attrib, Move, Tree, Xcopy, Robocopy, Diskcopy, Diskcomp, Chkdsk, Label.
A) Mode - Mode command let se show the word as we want on the screen. That is, through this command we can control the pixels of the screen. There are various options in this command. But all options depend on the feature of the display card.
Syntax - Location > Mode [120]
when you execute this command, 120 characters per line appears on the screen. generally, 80 letters are displayed on the screen.
B) Attrib - A list of files present on the location is shown before execute this command. With each file that is also shown its attribute, the attribute of the file shows what type of file it is. e.g.
(i) Read only (r)
(ii) Archive files (a)
(iii) Hidden files (f)
(iv) System files (s)
Syntax - Location > Attrib [File name]
Therefore, Attrib command can determine the properties of any file and provide and delete a file with a particular property.
(i) +r / -r - "+r" we can create any file read only while "-r" we can delete this property.
(ii) +a / -a - "+a" gives Archive properties to any file and "-a" can remove this property.
(iii) +s / -s - "+s" it is a special type of property that only DOS while "-s" can remove this particular property.
(iv) +h / -h - "+h" from which we can make any file secret so that it does not appear on the screen. "-h" is used with commands to delete this property from the file.
C) Move - Using this command can change the names of files and directories present on the Location and move them from one directory directory to another.
Syntax - Location > Move [File name] [Destination Folder]
D) Tree - This command creates a list of all Directory and sub directory as a tree.
Syntax - Location > Tree [Drive name]
using "/f" with command syllables all files in the structure formed as a tree.
E) Xcopy - This command works faster than copy command so that we can copy all the directory and their files subdirectory.
Syntax - Location [Source directory] [Destination]
Attributes that can be used with commands:
1. /-y - obey the old files before copy.
2. /y - will copy old files without asking.
3. /p - ask before copying each file.
4. /e - will also copy the vacant directory.
5. /v - will check if each file is copied.
6. /w - will wait before starting the copy until no one is pressed.
F) Robocopy - This command is also used to copy files. It show the starting and ending time, source destination as well as status of the operation. There are many subcommand in this command as well. Which can be viewed by execute the "Robocopy/?" command.
Syntax - Location > Location [Source directory] [Destination]
g) Diskcomp - This command is used to compare two floppy disks. When we make floppy disk duplicate floppy, we check if the two floppy disk are the same. This command is also known as disk compare. Both floppy are compared at each track level by this command and if there is the same file in two floppy disk but in different order, the "Diskcomp" command will report that both disks are not the same.
Syntax - Location >Diskcomp [Disk 1] [Disk 2]
H) Disk copy - Using this command, another copy of one floppy is prepared, i.e., whatever data is present in one floppy is copy in another floppy. Thus you can prepare as many copies of a floppy as you want.
Syntax - Location > Diskcopy [Disk 1] [Disk 2]
I) CHKDSK - This command is used to check the disk (Floppy or Hard disk) in its entirety. If there is some errors in the disk, it is received as a message and those mistakes can also be corrected.
Syntax - Location > chkdsk [drive name]
J) Label - This command is used to change the Volume label of Floppy or hard disk drives.
Syntax - Location > Label [Current name] [New name]
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