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- Clipboard -
Clipboard - Cut - Through this, any Text, Picture or Shape can be cut and placed in the clipboard which can be Paste and insert in the MS word cut shape, picture or text select and when cut, it moves away to the Clipboard.
- Copy - Any text, shape or picture should remain select before copy which goes to the clipboard when copy and it is also present on the page and also comes to your clipboard which is brought to the page during paste.
- Paste - Used to paste the above cut or copy text, picture or shape any object copy from any other software that is also present paste special inside the paste is paste in text or shape paste as Hyperlink is used to paste objects like Hyperlink.
- Format Painter - Through Format Painter, it is used only to copy the formatting of text which increases the speed of work in which if you have to change the Font, Font style, Font size, Font color frequently to style a text the same again and again. Select the format you want to apply to the text and click on the Format painter by clicking on the Format painter makes cursor like a brush and selecting the text makes it format like a selected text.
- Font- Font dialog box provides the option Font style change font such as bold, italic, underline, increase and reduce the size of Font, change Font color.
Font - Font - Use it to change the selected text or paragraph or style.
- Font size - Use it to make text size smaller and larger If you want to use a single paragraph or word to make it smaller or larger, you can first select it and change its Font size.
- Clear Formatting - This option allows you to remove all formatting sown such as Bold, Italic, Underline, Text color etc. with one click. It does not delete text but reset the formatting of the text and brings it to the default style of the MS word.
- Bold (Ctrl + B) - This option is used to Bold selected text.
- Italic (Ctrl + I) - This option is used to Italic selected text.
- Underline (Ctrl + U) - This option is used to underline selected text.
- Strikethrough - This option is used to effect the cut from the middle on the selected text.
- Subscript - This option is used to write words according to the formulas of science.
- Superscript - This option is used to write words according to mathematics.
- Change case - Use the selected text to Sentence case, lower case, UPPERCASE, Capitalize Each Letter, tOGGLE cASE.
- Text highlight color - This option is used to highlight the selected word with a color.
- Font color - Using this option can make the selected text colorful.
- Paragraph - Paragraph dialog box contains options like Bullets & Numbering, Indentation, Sort, Alignment, Line spacing, Shading, Borders etc.
Paragraph - Bullets &Numbering - Use this option to make the list.
- Decrease Indent / Increase Indent - With the help of this option, paragraphs are selected and First line indent, Hanging Indent, Left Indent and Right Indent are manage.
- Sort - This option is used to organize Paragraph from the point of view of Number and Alphabet.
- Show / Hide - This option is used to show and Hide Space, Tab and Enter.
- Left Alignment (Ctrl + L) - This option is used to left aligned Paragraph.
- Center Alignment (Ctrl + E) - This option is used to center aligned Paragraph.
- Right Alignment (Ctrl + R) - This option is used to right aligned Paragraph.
- Justify Alignment (Ctrl + J) - This option is used to equal Paragraph according to Left and Right margin.
- Line and Paragraph spacing - Line spacing is the space between the row in a paragraph. MS word allows us to increase Single line spacing, Double line space or any other Line spacing space. We have Line/impermanence to improve readability. Paragraph can increase the gap or also reduce Space to adjust more text on page.
- Shading - This option is used to apply theme color on the paragraph as per the Margin.
- Borders - This option is used to apply border in paragraphs.
- Styles - Using this option you can apply styles like Normal, No spacing, Heading 1, Heading 2, Title.
Styles - Editing -
- Find (Ctrl + F) - This option is used to find the word or word groups present in the Document.
- Go To (Ctrl + G) - You can go to a Line, Page, Section, Bookmark, Endnote, Footnote in Document.
- Select - This option is used to select text and objects present in the Document.
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