Review Menu in MS Word

Review Menu
This menu has a total of 6 options. The names of these groups are Proofing, Comments, Tracking, Changes, Compare and Protect. The functions of which are as follows:
  1. Proofing - This group contains document related commands. It contains Spelling &Grammar Tool by which spelling of a word and grammar of a paragraph can be checked. You can use Thesaurus to know the meaning of a word used in Document and use Word Count to know the number of words written in the document.
    This option is used to comment on a word used in Document.
  3. Tracking -
    You can use Tracking group if you share your document with another user. Using this option you can see all the changes made in your document.
  4. Changes -
    This option is used to Accept and Reject the changes performed in Document.
  5. Compare -
    if you have more than one version of a document and you want to know which document is more effective, you can use this option.
  6. Protect - This option can protect the formatting made in the document by applying Password and make it Read only for other users.